Monthly Archives: June 2015

In Denial


I am not a psychologist, so I will not ask you to lie down on the couch,
Or follow the watch to a hypnotic state.
Nor prescribe any pills with all those side effects,
Just give you the Truth, satan’s in denial about his fate.

See his lot or fortune is who he is,
The practitioner of doom, Dr. Death Phd.
Psychoses and neuroses is what will be found,
My psychoanalysis is satan’s in denial of any therapy.

His treatment of watching the doomsday clock may seem superficial or trite,
Time being short has put him under his own spell.
Psychobabble, psychedelic and psychosomatic is his emotional state,
The fact of the matter is, satan’s in denial of going to hell!

His couch, his state, his place the final separation from God,
Psuedochristo’s merciless seat.
For broad is the gate and wide is the way of psychopaths,
1-900-PSYCHIC says, satan’s in denial of having any feet.

This schizophrenic serpant does not have a leg to stand on,
Heaven is God’s throne, Earth is His footstool.
The dragon’s pill swallowed whole can try to psyche up his self,
Verily, verily, verily, satan’s in denial of being the fool.

a servant of the Lord

The Seven Churches of the Revelation In History


Time Period
1. Ephesus
Exact dates uncertain: from end of persecution of Nero to death of St. John.
“Not Lasting”; historically, the shortest time. Spiritually, it had lost its “first love”.
2. Smyrna
Death of St. John, to Edict of Milan, 313 AD.
“Bitter Sweetness”; The Church persecuted under the Roman Emperors. One of the best.
3. Pergamum
Edict of Milan, until the reign of Charlemagne, 800 AD (or Battle of Tours, 732 AD)
“Divorce”; The Church as the state religion of, and spiritually married to, Rome.
4. Thyatira
Reign of Charlemagne, (or Battle of Tours) until end of the Crusades, 1290 AD.
“Constant Labor” and/or “Guarding the Door”; The early Holy Roman Empire.
5. Sardis
End of the Crusades, until Martin Luther, 1517 AD.
“Of the Flesh”; The Roman Catholic Church of the Renaissance. One of the worst.
6. Philadelphia
Martin Luther’s 95 Theses, until the American Revolution, 1776 AD.
“Brotherly Love”; The Protestant Church of the Reformation. One of the best.
7. Laodicea
American Revolution, until the beginning of the Great Tribulation.
“People’s Opinions” and “People Judged”; The present lukewarm Church. One of the worst.

The Shepherd of the Soul


1 Peter 2:25

The black sheep of the family,
Have wandered off again.
Roamed away from the pasture,
Entering into a pigpen.
The pigpen is the world,
Run by evening wolves that keep.
Their drivel fangs a ready,
For the morrow are the bones of sheep.
They’re ravening the prey,
To shed blood and get dishonest gain.
And to destroy the soul,
They will not refrain.
Baa, Baa, black sheep,
Bleat out a cry of lull.
For He has an ear that heareth,
He is Jesus, The Shepherd of the Soul.
The blackness of the coat is sin,
But Jesus will make it white.
Bleaching out that dark stain,
By entering into His Light.
He layeth us upon His shoulders,
Rejoicing that the sheep are no longer lost.
There is nothing here dishonest,
Found within the cost.
He shed His blood so freely,
So the wolves would have no game.
Let them pant along with starvation,
For we call upon His name.
We are brought back to His pasture,
Feeding on Truth, not the gull.
But if a sheep should wander,
There is Jesus, The Shepherd of the Soul.

a servant of the Lord

Jesus Has Some Big Feet


Another sighting of “Bigfoot” has been found.
Within the Bible the evidence will be sound.
The tracks of the Lamb of God will make us all bleat,
“Man, Jesus has some big feet!”
We might think we could walk a mile in His shoes.
However, this is what we would be better to do.
Put the red nose on as we walk through the town,
Because we would all resemble the looks of a clown.
The swaddling clothes are a sign wrapped up by His mother Mary.
Sticking out of the manger are the baby’s first booties.
“Again!”, He would tell His earthly father Joe,
“This little piggy went … ” while pulling on His big toe.
Can we imagine His first steps to His mother’s arms across the room?
She might of thought, “Well, we will no longer need a broom.”
Sticking to the Truth is where we need to abide.
But is not Jesus on the Lighter side?
Jesus grew up and as He walked the streets.
The impression left is Jesus has some big feet.
To walk on water they had to be flippers.
Clouds are now worn as His slippers.
We pierced His hands and feet in this tale.
The reminder we have is in our finger and toenails.
And His feet like unto fine brass.
When standing again will split the Mount of Olives in half.
These have to be the biggest pair.
Whose shoes are we not worthy to bear?
Jesus! Jesus! We will all repeat.
The reason is being Jesus has some big feats!

a servant of the Lord



Psalm 78:23 fulfilled!

Fear the Lord. Out of it you shall receive the Grace. What is the stream saying to me but, Hallelujah! What was in the doe’s family eyes but, Hallelujah! These rocks that seem so hard are saying, Hallelujah! As tall as the trees are, they are saying, Hallelujah! That dead leaf that fell off the tree and is rotting in the ground says, Hallelujah! This paper shouts at you, Hallelujah! The soft wind that blows by sings, Hallelujah! This smile in my heart shouts, Hallelujah! This smile I can not keep off my face says, Hallelujah! The tears I Am holding back cry, Hallelujah! The watch alarm that went off said, Hallelujah! The birds are singing, Hallelujah! O these tears and laughter at the same time, again, Hallelujah! The clouds over head spell, Hallelujah! The things I can not sense sing, Hallelujah! The Fruits of the Spirit bring, Hallelujah! Jesus Christ is Lord, all, Hallelujah!
The ants march back and forth singing, Hallelujah! The cats all meow, Hallelujah! The food on our plates say, Hallelujah! The Cross represents a blood saving, Hallelujah! Every breath that I take, every step my feet take, cry, Hallelujah! Every prayer that is made confesses, Hallelujah! The desk with the drawers means, Hallelujah! The sun and the moon, the stars in the sky, the planets all around know, Hallelujah! The lightning comes down and the fire that’s ablaze, reaches back up saying, Hallelujah! The plane that flies by rrr’s, Hallelujah! The Fruits of the Spirit bring, Hallelujah! Jesus Christ is Lord, all, Hallelujah!
The Holy City coming down out of Heaven brings a beautiful, Hallelujah! The bride to her Groom pray, Hallelujah! The foundation of the stones shine, Hallelujah! There is no temple in this City but the Lord God Almighty, Hallelujah! No sun, no moon to shine, just the Glory of God, Hallelujah! Nations will walk by its Light, Hallelujah! Kings bring your splendor, Hallelujah! On no day are the gates shut, there is no night, Hallelujah! Nothing impure, shameful, deceitful will enter, Hallelujah! Just the names in the Book of Life will sing, Hallelujah! The Fruits of the Spirit bring, Hallelujah! Jesus Christ is Lord, all, Hallelujah!

a servant of the Lord

Bread Upon the Waters


In Memory of Our Brother Kevin
We Love You Mom
(Ecclesiastes 11 & 12)

Cast your bread upon the waters, Mom,
For after many days you will find me again.
I Am up here in heaven now,
As unleavened bread, without sin.
Bread without the yeast of malice,
But of Sincerity and Truth.
I Am kneading the Lord’s Will now,
Though your silver cord is not yet loose.
This batch of dough is now so fresh,
So fine and free.
My spirit returned back to God,
For now and all eternity.
I will rest in the Bread of Life’s eternal home for men,
Cast your bread upon the waters, Mom,
For after many days, you will find me again.

a servant of the Lord

Put Your Praise On


Psalm 56

Woke up this morning with a prayer of Love in my head,
Let’s begin the day right Lord before getting out of bed.
Then He stood me up by His tender, Loving Hand,
This is so that you may be able to withstand.
I know not what the day has in store ahead,
Then His voice was clear and this is what He had said.
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth,
Within there is a fountain of youth.
Have on the breastplate of righteousness,
Protect your heart from all callousness.
Shod your feet with the Gospel of Peace as your shoes,
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bring good news.
Above all, taking the shield of faith on your arm,
To quench the fiery darts of the wicked that can do you harm.
Take the helmet of Salvation and wear it well,
Jesus is the only name that will deliver you from hell.
And the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, the Bible,
Let your heart be its sheath and now you are suitable.

Put your Praise on,
Now go out and start the day.
Put your Praise on,
I will be with you along the Way.
Put your Praise on,
Let your tongue be a two-edged sword.
Put your Praise on,
Remember the Battle is that of the Lords.
Put your Praise on,
Try walking by Faith, not by your sight.
Put your Praise on,
Allow me to be your guiding Light.
Put your Praise on,
Teaching and admonishing one another in spiritual songs.
Put your Praise on,
The day will not seem to be that long.
Put your Praise on,
With grace in your hearts to the Lord you shall sing.
Put your Praise on,
Dress on up for the King.
Put your Praise on,
Let it rise up above.
Put your Praise on,
So you may stand in My Love.

Went out into the world fully prepared,
Singing Psalm 56, I will not be scared.
Deep down within I feel so young,
It’s in my walk and even in my tongue.
In God I will Praise His Word the day long,
What’s in my heart comes out of my mouth in song.
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you,
This is how I am able to walk in His shoes.
Faith comes by hearing the message of Light,
I am walking by Faith, not by my sight.
My thoughts are so clear up inside of my head,
I patiently await until we make it back to our bed.
In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise,My hand is the hilt that does freely raise.
Put the Armour of God on is what You said earlier to me,
Thy vows are upon me, O God: I will render praises unto thee.
Let’s end the day right Lord as we go to sleep,
Our fleece may be worn, but now take Your count upon all of Your sheep.

Put your Praise on,
It’s the end of the day so climb up into bed.
Put your Praise on,
Here’s a pillow for your head.
Put your Praise on,
For this is one thing I will not miss.
Put your Praise on,
Here comes our goodnight kiss.
Put your Praise on,
In My rest will you lie.
Put your Praise on,
I will sing you a lullaby.
Put your Praise on,
I have bottled up your tears.
Put your Praise on,
Let the Sandman make it crystal clear.
Put your Praise on,
It’s from your battle cry.
Put your Praise on,
Your soul is delivered and it will not die.
Put your Praise on,
As a soldier by day and a lamb at evenings end,
Put your Praise on,
Your sacrifice one day will be arrayed in fine linen.


a servant of the Lord



(Matthew 5:45)

I Am the WeatherMan.
The Son rises up eternally.
Whether rain, whether shine.
Whether cloudy, whether clear.
Whether windy, whether still.
Whether stormy, whether Peaceful.
Whether bad, whether Good.
Whom do you say I AM?
I AM your Lord, your God, Jesus Christ, Amen!
Whether Divine, Whether Man.

a servant of the Lord

A Compulsory Draft


To the called, the chosen and faithful followers,
Who should be compelled to serve?
In this camp of Jesus,
Why, we have got some nerve.
To stand firm in the calling,
Of this compulsory draft.
The lines will be made up of,
Each ones special craft.
Come on Juda, Gad and Aser,
Manasses, Nepthalim and Reuben.
He wants you, Simeon, Levi and Joseph,
Issachar, Zabulon and Benjamin.
There is another special division,
That is of the Gentile graft.
This force has taken root,
In this compulsory draft.
Onward Christian soldiers,
Put on the Armour of Light.
No provisions for the flesh,
Just a ration of Christ’s Might.
Our hearts joy is the elect,
Of this compulsory draft.
So sing this Psalm pre-battle,
From the fronts to the aft.
A call to arms is sounded,
So draw from our Living Sword.
The fall of Babylon,
It is written in the Word of our Lord.
This stealth operation,
Will come upon a waft.
He who has an ear, let him hear,
In His Compulsory Draft.

a servant of the Lord

A Gang of Ole & A Gang of New


Abram, Sarai, Jacob and Saul,
Abraham, Sarah, Israel and Paul.
A change took place as they grew,
A gang of ole and a gang of new.
How trite they must of felt when they remembered their youth,
Life did not begin until they entered into Truth.
Did they dwell on the good ole days?,
When immortality led them astray.
A change took place as they grew,
A gang of ole and a gang of new.
Was it just their name that changed as they grew?
Or maybe it also involved their view.
A view of the world is in their past,
And oh how that would make their souls downcast.
A change took place as they grew,
A gang of ole and a gang of new.
A view of Heaven is straight up ahead,
They saw it and chose it instead.
Not mattering of the things they had done,
But now on what they could do for the Son.
They chose to serve and so did you,
A gang of ole and a gang of new.

a servant of the Lord